About All Things Loss

The name of this blog is inspired by two things: Paul’s words in Philippians 3:8, and my own blessed and rewarding experience of coming to desire, love and praise the Lord more and more as I come to a deeper knowledge of Him through the study of his word.  

For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed reading and writing.  As a kid, I would hide under my blankets with a flashlight late at night to continue reading after my parents thought I was asleep.  In my school days, you can be assured that I was eager at the prospect of any writing assignments, essays, etc because I genuinely enjoyed writing that much!  After college, my writing kind of went dormant for a time.  But later in life, having been blessed with a deep love and hunger for reading and studying the Bible, I have again found that same old comfort, satisfaction, and fulfillment in pouring my thoughts onto paper.  After years of keeping my writing mostly to myself, I began to pray, ‘Lord, if you have given me this love of writing as a gift, how might I use it to serve you and contribute to the building of your kingdom?’.  Honestly, I don’t know for certain what is the answer to that prayer.  I have thought for years of possibly starting a blog, but I was never really sure what the goal or purpose would ultimately be, or if it was, in fact, God’s will for me to do so.  As for now, I am content with this blog simply being born as a place for my writing to live.  And may the Lord, by his perfect and purposeful providence, do with it whatever He wills.  So, with that:  welcome to the blog!  I love talking about the Bible, and I will continually pray that it might be God’s will for all who read this blog to come to know and understand God and His Word just a little bit better and to fall more in love with Him and with reading His Word.  Let it never be forgotten that this life is not ultimately about me or you or anyone else, but about God and His purposes and His glory.  May we all come to embrace the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus as Lord. Soli deo gloria!

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